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Mexican Omelet


  • 2 eggs

  • 1⁄4 cup shredded mexican cheese

  • salt

  • pepper

Total Time: 10 min Prep: 3 min Cook: 7 min
Yield: 1 Level: easy


  1. Scramble eggs in a bowl.
  2. Melt 1/2 TB butter in a pan.
  3. Add your eggs and when it looks like the edges are starting to set add your mexican cheese.
  4. Gently fold your omelet and flip.
  5. If you would like you can sprinkle extra cheese.


This recipe does not contain many non-starchy vegetables. To maximize your results, it is highly recommended that you eat at least three servings of non-starchy vegetables via a SANE side dish or green smoothie along with this main dish.