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View Portfolio Get in touchCheese Omelet
- 2 eggs
- 1⁄2 tablespoon milk
- 3 pinches salt
- 3 pinches pepper
- butter
- American cheese or any other cheese
Total Time:
6 min Prep:
2 min
4 min
Yield: 1 Level: easy
Yield: 1 Level: easy
- Preheat omelet pan on medium heat.
- Mix eggs, milk, salt, and pepper until frothy. (Don’t over whisk).
- Cut piece of butter off the short side of stick and melt in pan so omelette does not stick.
- Pour mixture into pan and wait till it is cooked and thick. If it falls apart in pan, let it cook more.
- Next,when the omelette is thick and does not fall apart when lifted take ripped up American cheese slices and put on one side of omelette.
- Flip the uncheesed side of omelette to the side of the omelette with cheese. Wait until cheese melts and take off and into plate.